Friday, April 30, 2010

Wil's plaing piano. "Where's your sticker, you fucking racist?"

Yes. Wil. He spells it with one L.

He's playing paino. And he's kind of good. It's actually fun listening to him.

So it's Wear Black Against Racism Day. I'm not wearing black, because the one shirt that I have that actually fits I didn't want to wear. I've got two 'Racism hurts everyone' stickers - one from third period Math, and one from lunch. I did have one sticker on each leg, but the one was wearing off on my right leg, so I had to put that one on my left leg under that sticker. They're both going on my personal laptop when I go.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Broadway on Thin Ice

Oh, my God. Shoot me. We watched the Kevin Jones Broadway on Thin Ice DVD in Choir today (like I said earlier) and there were three Avenue Q songs. The only good part was Patrick Lynch as Brian. Everyone else just didn't cut it. And they were all humans! So there were two different people as Princeton/Rod not one. One's the best part! And two puppeteers for Nicky is too! He didn't go up on the end of his 'no, it sucks to be me!' and it made me mad. I thought of gtting my iPod and listening to the show on my iPod, but I didn't. I wanted to hear it. The original cast is better.

Gary Coleman was NOT written to be sung by a guy.

this is so completely me and my brother!

Kay, so you know the photo I posted yesterday? The 'hold it right there' one?
I wanna know what happened in that scene, but my mom won't take me to see it because of whatevr shit she's coming up with and expecting me to believe. She knows how big of a fan I am of Jennifer Barnhart. The woman is adorable. And I wanna hear all of 'The Woman Inside You' because, frankly, the video on YouTube and the website don't cut it. It's not the whole thing, and so it doesn't cut it and I wanna know the song. I am freaking in love with the song. I'm sorry, Luc, but I am. Don't deny it, coz it's so plain to see, the woman inside you needs to touch the man inside me! Hey, you did the 'Unfortunate Erection' thing yesterday. I get to genderbend!
Ha! He's gone.
So I wanna go see Dirty Hippie Jam Band so freaking badly now. I know I live in New York and could have easily gone to see it last month, but I didn't know about it until maybe last week, when I blogged about it. April 19, 2010 (yes, I went to look that up. The wonders of tabbed browsing).
But I'm gonna go now. I have stuff I wanna work on. I'll write next period, because Myers is out of town and we're just gonna watch 'Broadway on Thin Ice' today. See ya!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

DHJBP - 29 "Hold it right there!"


I wanna see this SO badly now!

i found it!

so you know that post that I typed yesterday while we were waiting for my mom to come pick us up? I found it! It was saved as a draft, apparantly, so I get to post it! I just gotta see if it's all there first. If not, well ... you'll just have to settle for the second 'the very last country song ...' post. Because I'm not gonna try to remember what I said again. It was too hectic last night when I tried.
I got to drive all by myself last night! My mom was concerned about me driving alone, but my dad said that I would be fine, so I got to drive all by myself while listening to my 'Back With a Heart' CD that Momma got me at a yard sale a couple months back. I think. But I got to drive! I only went to Sonic and turned around, so I only drove for about five minutes and it was dark because it was almost ten till ten when I left. But it was nice. And I didn't crash. Luc's going out tomorrow night to Sonic and back in my car. We're sharing the car like we're sharing the laptop computer, and we even got the car at a a car auction! We're trying to find Lucas Bear his own car before my licence plates come in so it won't have my name on it and it'll be him driving the car. We'll probably go to that car auction again and get him one.
I even try not to go over so the scroll bar didn't show up and I did it with that last sentence. What the FUDGE is wrong with this? Honestly! I've got Choir next period, and we're going through all of the songs we're singin our concert three weeks from tomorrow, so I'm probably gonna sing because I've got three solos in this concert next month - two in the actual choir and one in Ensemble. I'm tellling you, Lucas Bear, you should have joined Choir. But, oh well. Your choice. Not my fault.
I'm using Bear as our last names for a reason.

factoring out to a C.

I got an eighty-four. I got a freaking eighty-four. Luc's still taking the test, so I don't know what he got, but still. I got a freaking eighty-four. If only I had finished the study guide and dropboxed it to Momma Mo before the test. But oh, well. I'm fine with an eight-four. At least I didn't fail it.
I deleted all the photos off of my computer. I'm uploading them to photobucket, which is what I was doing last night, so it was easier to just delete them when I got to school and I was synced to the school server. I've only got two pictures on my coputer, really - one of Ann Harada and Nicholas Kohn, because it's too big to fit in my trash can (recycle bin, whatever it's called), and the other one of the Bad Idea Bears because I made a new Yahoo! email address yesterday and I wanted the yellow bear (the bear that I claimed between me and my brother) as my profile picture, and I don't want to delete it. I have a folder for pictures from 'The Dirty Hippie Jam Band Project' and Rick Lyon's profile pictures, and stuff I've made in Paint, buut that's it. As for my brother, I don't know what he has on his computer (and I really don't care) but we've got a bunch of stuff saved onto our personal computer. Yes, we share a laptop at home, because my parents didn't want to buy the both of us computers because they "cost to much" but we like only having one laptop. We've saved the randomest photos onto it, and we have about thirty word documents. I'm writing this one that Luc has the decency not to read, but he's reading one of my other stories on our computer. I don't know what he thinks of it because he refuses to tell me, but my parents have read it and my parents like it, so I'm guessing that he likes it too, since he keeps encouraging me to write it more.
I have another story that I'm writing on this computer, called 'Reflection.' It's about a woman named Jennifer - the Jennifer from Avenue Q, not me. I was born in 1993, not turning twenty-two - and she's been raising her daugher as a single mom since she was born, and where I am so far, she's worried that she's pregnant with the guy she had sex with the night before, and she has a feeling that the man is also Lizzie's dad, but it's probably not gonna be, coz Lizzie's barely a dirty blond - she has her mother's hair, really - and he's got dark brown hair, so he probably isn't. I haven't decided yet whether or not Jennifer's actually gonna be pregnant, but she probably is because I'm writing the second night's dream in my head and I just have to type it into the word document after I have them go to sleep. Jennifer and Lizzie act so much alike that they've gotten called twins, and since Jennifer sees so much of herself in Lizzie, that's why I called it Reflection. I actually named it before I started typing it, so the title is why they look - and act - so similar. I'm also working some ideas that I've gotten from Lady Antebellum's song 'American Honey' into the stor because I think it kind of fits them, because they've really held off from being consumed by techonoly. They've got a desktop computer, they have cell phones, and a whole bunch of other appliances, but they barely ever use the computer because Jennifer's raised her to not be so dependant on the computer, or technology in general, if she can help it, so that's the 'American Honey' idea.
Luc's been done with the test but he won't tell me. Maybe because I haven't asked or told him what my grade was, but I know my brother. He wouldn't tell me. Luc, go away. You have stuff to do for Spanish. I'm telling you, John Lucas Bear, you should have taken Choir with me this year instead of Spanish I. There. That got him away. But he honestly should have. He's like me - failing. I took spainish one last year, failed the course. He's probably gonna be the same way, but I don't know any of his grades. Especially not Spanish I. When we were doing registration, I convinced him to take Choir with me. He's probably gonna be tenor because we've got none and he can sing higher, so he's probably gonna be singing tenor. Maybe we could sit next to each other and share folder!
It's almost 12:30 and I've been typing this since I got finished with the test, just about. It just goes to prove how much I can type in twenty minutes. I can't wait to see how much this takes up on the first page of my blog. Wouldn't be shocked if it took up half of it.
Well, I'm gonna post this entry because we're getting out in two minutes. See ya!

sorry about that.


I'm sorry about that last post. My brother was using my computer while I was playing Uno, but now that I'm out I can talk again. I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart about my brother's blog post. If you don't recognize the song, it is 'My Unfortunate Erection' From 25th Annueal Putnam Country Spelling Bee. I love it. One of the guys in choir is singing I'm Not that Smart for our Cabaret next month. Well, two weeks and two days, actually, but who cares? Luc's coming with us to watch ME. And Patrick. But mainly me, because I'm his sister and I'm more important than Patrick because Patrick isn't related to us, and we're related to us.
I kind of think it's funny that my immediate family and I share names with the puppeteers of the original cast of 'Avenue Q.' My parents are named Richard and Stephanie, and my brother and I are named John and Jennifer. I'm the only one who actually puppeteers any, because my uncle Johnny (who my brother was named after) makes puppets and he made one for me. She has blond hair and blue eyes, and she's got a black shirt on with a smaller version of the Avenue Q logo, because I'm such a fan of the show, and all the puppeteers - ensemble included - had to wear black for the show because it would take the attention off of the puppets if all seven of the humans wore colors, which is why the humans (and by humans I mean Jordan Gelber, Ann, and Natalie) had colorful outfits.

Well, I've gotta take a test. I'll post another entry after I take it and I'll tell you what I got on the test. It's Health, so wish me luck1

this is Lucas Bear.

I don't blame my brain but I do blame my penis. and it's all because of Marigold Coneybear.

it's very plain to see.

the woman inside you longs to touch the man inside of me.


I FOUND OUT WHEN BARRETT LEFT THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barrett left the show on July 2nd, 2006, and then Howie Michael Smith came on and so taht's why he was performing Princeton/Rod in the 2006 Broadway on Broadway (or Bryant Park or wherever it was).

and another thing.

I'm sitting here in Math going between my homework and the computer, and I remebered that yesterday while we were sitting there waiting for my mom to come pick us up, I also asked if I should make a Facebook. Because if I make one, Luc's gonna make one so we can be friends and siblings and lovers and crap. Which led into my talking about my feelings for him.

We have almost identical schedules. He's got Spanish when I have Choir, and we both have first lunch. No one knows how I feel about him, though. Just me and now whoever's reading this. Thank GOD he doesn't read the blog, because if he did he would have confronted me about it and I would be dead.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the very last country song ...

I had this whole long blog post written out before I left school. I shut the computer and I was headed to the car I opened my laptop again to post it and when I fianlly get itnernet connection and push 'publish post' it says it can't do it. I go back and the blog post is completely blank and it got me mad. So I'm just gonna try and remember what I wrote while I upload stuff to photobucket.
It was really nice out this afternoon. I was sitting there on the pavement against the wall with Evan randomly drawing and being bored. He hates his bus because everyone on it is loud and talks all the time. Lucas Bear was sitting next to Rori, and then Luke, but then we had to leave. I don't know why Rori was sitting outside waiting for her mom to take her home and I don't see why because Sara was in Ensemble with me, which is why we were sitting outside the school anyways, and she's in Choir, so Rori could have gotten a ride home with her. I don't get it.
I was also asking if it was wrong that I feel something for my brother? I mean, I know we're siblings, but I actually feel something more than that brother-sister bond. It this feeling wrong? I don't know if our parents will accept us after we've sorted this all out . But, hey - who knows? We've still got time to sort this all out and figure out how we feel. He doesn't know, even though he's across the table from me watching SVU.

Evan = my friend
Rori = girl who's in my (our) grade and
Luke = someone Evan knows

the very last country song.

Should I make a Faceook? Because if I make one, Luc's gonna make one and we're gonna be friends and siblings and lovers and all that shit. I feel an actual connection between my brother and I, even though we're siblings. Maybe there is. But, hey - who knows? We've still got a while before we can be sure of how we feel.
Is it wrong, for me to like my twin brother? He doesn't know how I feel, or that I'm even talking about this, since he's sitting on the bench nent to me and I'm sitting on the ground waiting for our mom to come pick us up from the school because I had to stay after for ensemble and it was pointless for him to ride the bus hmoe when Mom was just gonna come over and get us anyways.
So my friend Evan is sitting her next to me doing God knows what with his notebook. He's drawking or something. Rori's sitting on the bench next to Luc waiting for a ride, but now she's gone because her mom's here. Why was she getting a ride from her mom? Her sister's in ensemble. they could have gone home together.
So my mom's still not here yet and it's four o'clock. Evan's bored. A lady just went inside with Taco Bell. I wanna get food from there, even though we had Taco Bell on Saturday.
Evan hates his bus. Which is why he's sitting here waiting for his parents to come pick him up.
Evan = friend.
Rori = girl classmate who I don't talk to that much.
Sara = Rori's older sister, who is in ensemble and Choir.

if i never knew you ...

I'm glad I'm a twin. My parents wanted two kids, and they got pregnant with me and Luc - Luc's older - and so my mom only had to go through the pains of childbirth once. We should play Viola and Sebastian in Twelfth Night because, frankly, I lied last post. It depends on who the person looking at us is about whether or not we look alike. People say we look related, but not twins. People say that we look identical, and (for the ones who're familiar with Shakespeare) suggest we play Viola and Sebastian because we could pull it off. We actually got an offer for that just this weekend from the man who owns one of the local theatres and wants to put on 'Twelfth Night' and couldn't find anyone who looked similar enough to pull it off, but he found us and we said yes. So there's that over with.
Sorry about the whole Lucas thing in my last post. He was reading over my shoulder - again - and I wanted to talk to him and we were in health and Momma Mo wanted us to be quiet, so I had to type it into the blog post because I didn't want to open a new document.
So Dakota took me to the blood drive my school's holding, but I didn't want to donate blood and I'm kind of regretting not giving blood. I didn't really want to because ... well, I don't know. I just didn't. If she asks me again, I'm saying that I have a fear of needles. Maybe next year.
I like having my own blog where I get to type anything. One of my friends - Kate - has a website of her own - - where she blogs about random stuff. She only blogs on her day off from her two jobs - Wednesday. She works at Starbucks and Barnes 'N' Noble. I forget which one she's working at today, but I'm gonna go visit her after I through school and ensemble and Mom gives me and Luc the keys to the car after we get home and finish our homework and I text her asking her where she's working.
Bell's about to ring. Gotta go!

"All my exes live in Texas, which is why I hang my hat in Tennessee."

Did I spell Tennessee right? I think I did.

So I mentioned a couple of my exes going to Hamnden High School last post and I just wanted to talk about them. I have a string of them.

Seventh grade - Matt
Eight grade - Joshua
Ninth grade - Tyler
Tenth - Jack
Eleventh and twelfth grade are still a mystery. Will I have a boyfriend or what?

Dude, Luc, you know what? We should start dating next year. Hardly anyone knows we're twins, and we don't look that much alike, so it's completely believable. Can we, can we, can we? *looks back at you* Yes!
So there's eleventh grade, at least, because Jack's moved to Bristol and I barely ever see him as is now, so we've decided to call it off this summer after school ends. We're still staying friends, though. He was born here, so he might come back up near here to go to college.

It's taken me two periods to write this. Dakota made me go to the blood drive with her, but I didn't want to donate blood and now I'm kind of regretting that decision, but I'd have to be late to Choir and we'd probably be going through the song with my solo in it. I'll talk about that next post. I'll have time.

A couple of my exes go here - both have moved there, one after eight and the other just this past summer - and I think it's crazy that the school day for them starts at seven-thiry (7:30) in the morning. I'm still getting ready then. But they get out at two, so I guess that's better than us - we go to school 8:25 to 3:10, and my brother and I have to ride the bus an additional thirty-five minutes after we get out - five on the bus in the parking lot, about eight minutes getting onto the main road, and the remaining twenty on the bus route that comes before us. I don't mind the ride, though. It's quite nice, actually, for my brother and I both. I might get him to make a blog too, but I don't know. I don't think I could do it, having to wake up at five in the morning five mornings a week. I'd have to go to sleep a whole lot sooner than I do already, which is normally between ten and eleven. Or ten and midnight. Sometimes it's before. I don't really pay attention, though. Just as long as I don't spend the night up again like I did a couple weeks ago. That was fun.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Like what?

She wants to take me to a mountaintop and hold me in the rain, lick frosting from my fingertips like ...

And I don't know the rest of the words coz I can't understand what he's saying in the video. Will come back and update it when I figure it out. Bell just rang and I've gotta go to eighth period.

DHJBP - 27 The Woman Inside You

"And I can hear her calling to me with thinkg she likes to do ..."

DHJBP - 33 The Woman Inside You

How did I NOT blog this one already?


Except for the fact Pops is a dirty old man.

DHJBP - 44 Hippies

DHJBP - 44 Hippies
Originally uploaded by adam online
Would someone like to tell me what's going on in this scene?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Princeton/Howie Michael Smith of Avenue Q

when did Barrett leave the show?

Rod & Nicky of Avenue Q

Really, Howie needs to be closer to Rick, because Rod would not be completely (ro close to) horozontal in reality. But there's nothing we can do about it now, is there?

Cast of Avenue Q

Cast of Avenue Q
Originally uploaded by Michael Schamis
I've seen other photos from this and I've wondered why Aymee was right-handing Nicky, but now that I know when they performed this, I understand why Jennifer wasn't there.

Jennifer was filming 'Big, Big World' for PBS, apparantly. So there's your answer. Well, my answer. To my own question.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dirty Hippie Jam Band Reading

DHJBP - 28 The Woman Inside You follow-up

I've listened to the same part of this song (where the picture comes from) and I think she has and honest-to-God right to react like that. I'm posting a link to the video on the website page. Maybe I'll embed the video from YouTube when I get home after my haircut at five-thirty, coz my mom's got a haircut at four-thirty and we're going straight there from Ensemble today, so you've gotta wait for the actual video to show up on this blog.


There is life outside your apartment.

I know it's hard to concieve, but there's life outside you're apartment, and you're only gonna see it if ya leave. There is cool shit to do, but it can't come to you, and who knows? Dude, you might even score. There is life outside your apartment, but you've got to open the door.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Avenue Q

Avenue Q
Originally uploaded by The Consortium
Really, Jennifer?

But I love it. <3

DHJBP - 28 The Woman Inside You


Makes me wonder what was being said to make her look that disgusted. Must look it up on YouTube when I get home because I can't get on YouTube at school without a proxy, and the one I was using on Friday is blocked now, so ... I just have to remember when I get home.

DHJBP - 65 Jam On The Ones You Love

Flattering photo of Jennifer, isn't it?

DHJBP - 66 Jam on the Ones You Love

This makes me realize how tall Jenifer is.

Dirty Hippie Jam Band

Really? I'm looking at the pictures on Flickr and I'm thinking (sarcastically) 'This isn't disturbing at all.' But that's just me.

Facebook page:

Album on Flickr:


I'm Jennifer Daisy (I'll go by just about anything, though) and I made this blog just so I could blog a picture of of flickr. But I guess I'll write stuff on here too. I'll have fun with that, now won't I, Lucas?

Lucas is my brother. He's reading over my shoulder right now. We're in the same study hall.