Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i found it!

so you know that post that I typed yesterday while we were waiting for my mom to come pick us up? I found it! It was saved as a draft, apparantly, so I get to post it! I just gotta see if it's all there first. If not, well ... you'll just have to settle for the second 'the very last country song ...' post. Because I'm not gonna try to remember what I said again. It was too hectic last night when I tried.
I got to drive all by myself last night! My mom was concerned about me driving alone, but my dad said that I would be fine, so I got to drive all by myself while listening to my 'Back With a Heart' CD that Momma got me at a yard sale a couple months back. I think. But I got to drive! I only went to Sonic and turned around, so I only drove for about five minutes and it was dark because it was almost ten till ten when I left. But it was nice. And I didn't crash. Luc's going out tomorrow night to Sonic and back in my car. We're sharing the car like we're sharing the laptop computer, and we even got the car at a a car auction! We're trying to find Lucas Bear his own car before my licence plates come in so it won't have my name on it and it'll be him driving the car. We'll probably go to that car auction again and get him one.
I even try not to go over so the scroll bar didn't show up and I did it with that last sentence. What the FUDGE is wrong with this? Honestly! I've got Choir next period, and we're going through all of the songs we're singin our concert three weeks from tomorrow, so I'm probably gonna sing because I've got three solos in this concert next month - two in the actual choir and one in Ensemble. I'm tellling you, Lucas Bear, you should have joined Choir. But, oh well. Your choice. Not my fault.
I'm using Bear as our last names for a reason.

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