Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the very last country song ...

I had this whole long blog post written out before I left school. I shut the computer and I was headed to the car I opened my laptop again to post it and when I fianlly get itnernet connection and push 'publish post' it says it can't do it. I go back and the blog post is completely blank and it got me mad. So I'm just gonna try and remember what I wrote while I upload stuff to photobucket.
It was really nice out this afternoon. I was sitting there on the pavement against the wall with Evan randomly drawing and being bored. He hates his bus because everyone on it is loud and talks all the time. Lucas Bear was sitting next to Rori, and then Luke, but then we had to leave. I don't know why Rori was sitting outside waiting for her mom to take her home and I don't see why because Sara was in Ensemble with me, which is why we were sitting outside the school anyways, and she's in Choir, so Rori could have gotten a ride home with her. I don't get it.
I was also asking if it was wrong that I feel something for my brother? I mean, I know we're siblings, but I actually feel something more than that brother-sister bond. It this feeling wrong? I don't know if our parents will accept us after we've sorted this all out . But, hey - who knows? We've still got time to sort this all out and figure out how we feel. He doesn't know, even though he's across the table from me watching SVU.

Evan = my friend
Rori = girl who's in my (our) grade and
Luke = someone Evan knows

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