Friday, May 14, 2010

Ensemble at for the Retired Teachers' Association.

It was fun. And the reason for the last two posts. Because I forgot the words for my solo at one point. And I got embarrased. And I forgot my writing pencil at the hotel. And I'll remember the words at the concert next week. I hope some of them come see it, because I'm not forgetting the words this time.
The weird thing is, I knew the words perfectly in ensemble, but when I got to perform in front of all the women there, I couldn't remember them all. Luc can vouch for me. For the ensemble bit, at least. Myers wouldn't have let him come on the trip to the hotel, so he got to finish the test - still won't tell me his score - in Health last period. It was fun, though, getting out of two periods and lunch. Although I still had the lunch Momma packed me this morning. Because we both forgot that ensemble was going out to the hotel, and I didn't have any money so I couldn't buy anything from Chick-Fil-A. The manager-dude gave us all mints, though, even the four people who got food from Panera's and walked over to the mall and were sitting out in the food court seats. I'm gonna eat my mint eighth period. Coz I can. And because I didn't want to eat it yet.

People in my study hall are annoying. That's why I listen to my iPod, Telly Monster.

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