Tuesday, May 18, 2010

threw Sara Manning off

and it was really fun.
So she was going over her solo for the WICKED music - she's got the ONE guy solo in the medley - and I was singing it with her on the actual clef it was written on and she told me to go away because my singing was distracting her from singing it right. So I kinda wanted to cry but I didn't mind so I just left. Well, Luca and I left. And we've just gotta sit here and wait for Momma to get here because we got out fifteen minutes ahead of schedule, so we've gotta wait for to get here and she was at the exact oppoosite end of the road the school's off of, so we've been sitting here since God knows when.

And it's raining.

And she's here. And blowing the horn. I'm gonna go.

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