Thursday, May 6, 2010

i'm gettin' nothin' for chiristmas, 'cause I can't be nothin' but bad.

since the lights are out we're all in the Band room and being louder than ususal beause there are a lot fo friends that are cross-class. i'm sitting with all guys - Tyler, Evan, Patrick, and Kevin. It's kind of nice, actually, being friends with guys because guys cause less drama. i don't cause drama - i'm not one of those girls - i just cause a lot of trouble with my exes and their new girlfriends. even the ones in connecticut. especially the ones in connecticut. i keep telling them over facebook tat i miss a week of school every once in a while to fly up to connecticut as an U.M. and fuck them every night because i don't have any morals. my exes know me too well, and they go along with it. that's what i'm doing next year with Jack. it's gonna be fun. so i guess i just contradicted myself. but i don't think of it as drama. I think of it as screwing with my exes' girlfriends' heads over Facebook. it's fun.

i'm gonna make a new Facebook with this name so that if anyone's reading this, they can go friend me if they've got one. i'm not gonna set my relationship status, though, because i don't want to. so if anyone who's reading this wants to go friend me on Facebook after I make it and be in a relationship with me or whatever, that'd be just fine. I'm gonna do that when I get home, though. it's easier than making Facebooks at school. i've been through that before.

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